الأربعاء، 21 سبتمبر 2016

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How They keep Lenin's body better than when he was alive

By: Unknown On: 12:53:00 ص
  • Let's Get Social
  • This is fascinating really and takes alot of hard working to reach this result 

    For those who might not be familiar with world history, 

    Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov -- better known as Vladimir Lenin -- changed the world in 1917.

    That year, his own intervention and the intervention of his supporters caused the collapse of Tsarist Russia and ushered in the era of the Soviet Union. Despite his death during the early years of the USSR, he is still considered 
    to be one of the founders of modern-day Russia.

    Even though Lenin died in 1924, his corpse can still be seen 

    on display in the capital city of Moscow.

    Lenin's body was buried in a specially erected mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square. Other than a brief period during World War II, the corpse has been on constant display to the public.

    Today, many who see the late leader's body on display in Moscow say that he looks better now, 90 years after his death, than he probably looked in life.

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